Amazon just launched a new platform called Kindle Vella for readers who enjoy serials. When I heard the news about it a few months ago, I realized KV would be the perfect medium for the final book in my Hard Rock Harlots series*. I’d been mulling over how to end the series for years, but I could never get the traditional book format to gel right in my head. But a serial with episodes? That totally fit with where I needed to go!
CODA is suitable for anyone who’s interested in a rock star romance with erotic elements (including, but not limited to: extremely graphic sex, filthy language, and over-the-top juvenile humor 😂). You don’t have to have read the other books in the series to enjoy CODA. I only ask that you step into it with an open mind. The story is presented in a nontraditional format via blog posts, interviews, phone calls, video transcriptions, fan fiction, and more. It’s funny in places, sad in others, and triumphant in the end. I seriously LOVE this story because in a way, it’s MY story as much as it is Letty Dillinger’s.
Here’s the description:
Much has changed in the eight years since 70s-style rock band Killer Buzz Float broke out of Athens, Georgia. After the band got its first taste of success, everything fell apart. Some of the founding members have moved on to bigger and better things, while others are scraping by. Reunion rumors surface from time to time, but fans say without Killer Buzz Float’s electrifying lead singer, it just wouldn’t be the same.
Letty Dillinger is dead.
Long live Letty Dillinger.
Long live The Rock.
Kindle Vella just went live for US readers. Here’s how it works:
- Open the Kindle app on your phone and search for “CODA Kendall Grey.” You should see the cover image above. OR you can hit this link if you’re on your desktop.
- The first 3 episodes of every Kindle Vella story are FREE.
- As of this morning, Amazon was also giving away 200 free tokens, which you would normally buy to unlock episodes beyond the first three. That means you can use those freebies to purchase additional episodes on Amazon’s dime. YAY! Once those tokens are gone, you can purchase more.
- Read the episode and be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. After the “Note from author” section, you’re given options to “FOLLOW” the series and to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Please do both! Your likes and follows will help other readers find CODA.
- Once you’ve purchased a certain amount of tokens (no idea how many), you can also FAVORITE stories. This is a huge deal for authors because it gives us even more visibility than follows and likes. Please do that for the stories you love.
- There is a space to leave a review at the bottom of the product page. Reviews help readers find awesome books. Please share your honest opinions!
That’s all I know right now. Questions about the platform? Leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to answer.
I hope you’ll give CODA a try. The first three episodes are free, so you’re not losing anything except the time it takes to read. I’d love to hear your thoughts about the story. You can comment below or email me at kendall at kendallgrey dot com any time.
Thank you for taking a chance on my work. I hope you love the end of this epoch in rock star romance as much as I do.
#RIPLettyDillinger #LongLiveTheRock
* This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase using these links, but clicking will not alter the price of any of the items you buy.
OMG. I’ve read the first 5 chapters. They are awesome. It’s so great to see what has happened to them. Hope there is more because I’m hooked again. Now I’m going to reread all the books. Thank you so much.
Thanks for reading, Melissa! So happy you’re enjoying the story so far!
Hey Kendall!
I am SOOOOO EXCITED for a new book in this series!! love, Love, LOVE this series!!!!!! HOWEVER…how do us Canadians read it??? I can’t find it on Amazon Canada anywhere! *very sad pout* And will this come out as a one book collection of all of the episodes eventually?
Hi Cherri-Anne! Thanks for your excitement and support! Unfortunately, Kindle Vella is only available in the US right now. I’m not sure whether there are plans to make it international in the future.
I will release CODA as an ebook at some point after the entire run of episodes have published on Kindle Vella. Stay tuned!
Hey Kendall!
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly!! I have waited this long for a new book in this AWESOME series, so I can wait a little longer for it to come out as one book…not that I have a choice! ROTFL
Thank you!!!!