If you haven’t picked up Thor Cox‘s GRAFFITI CITY: CUMMAGEDDON, you are missing out on something truly hysterical.
You’re also in luck!
My publishing house Howling Mad Press is hosting a kickass giveaway: a paperback proof copy of Thor’s monumentous compendium of awesome (all five issues of CUMMAGEDDON in one book) AND a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Enter to win below.
For those of you just joining this feast for the eyes and genitals, here’s the blurb for GRAFFITI CITY: CUMMAGEDDON:
Griffin City is a tampon-stuffed toilet flushing itself into the ocean, a viper’s nest of desperation, a decaying den of thieves, pimps, pushers, and cum-grubby whores. But it hasn’t always been like that. Signs of better times linger in faded postcards of cherry-cheeked families playing on Wankers Beach, laughing teenagers riding the roller coasters at Horny Island, and lovers entangled over luxurious meals at Prissy’s downtown.
Now, the restaurants are owned by crime lords. Horny Island has been castrated and left to rot on the edge of town. Barbed wire seals off quarantined beaches, caged with bashed-in signs warning of industrial waste, flesh-eating bacteria, and raw sewage.
Nobody needs a sign. You can smell that shit.
From the spoiled waters of the poisoned sea, across the crumbling reach of the downtown skyscrapers, to the nasty-ass labyrinth of Olde Towne and the shady “businesses” on Fuck Street, the whole city bleeds from a rectal cancer that will kill everything you ever loved before it stuffs you cock-first into the grave.
On I-69, coming into town, you can hear the gunfire. You can see the carnage. The acidic flicker of fluorescent lights going bad buzz and flash across a welcome sign spray-painted into layers of art for the damned, tagged into chaos by meth boyz, booze bitches, and the criminally insane.
This “graphic” novel contains all five issues of GRAFFITI CITY: CUMMAGEDDON in one righteous tome.
Check out my thoughts on each issue on Goodreads. All of these stories had me pissing myself laughing! If you read filthy erotica and love to laugh, you cannot go wrong with this series. Please, for the love of all that is unholy, CHECK IT OUT! The individual issues are FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. Click the book covers for info.